Level 8

Comprender frases y expresiones relacionadas con áreas de experiencia que le son relevantes, para comunicarse durante tareas simples y cotidianas, así como saber describir en términos sencillos aspectos de su pasado y su entorno, a través de la práctica de las diferentes habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Practice exercises for the final exam

We've come to the end of the school year. I hope that you finish this course with new learning experiences and great memories for the years to come.  Here are some exercises to help you study.

The final topics are:

Tag Questions

Click   here & here for a lesson
Click here to practice here

Past Simple vs Past continuous

Past Simple
Click  here & here for a lesson.
Click here to watch a video about verb Be in past.
Click here to watch a video about the correct spelling of the verbs in past.
Click here to watch a video about Past Simple.

Past Continuous

Click here & here for a lesson.
If you want to watch a video click here
Practice here 

Past Simple vs Past continuous

If you want to review your lesson click here
Watch a video here &here
Now you can Practice here


To watch a video about Countables and uncountables click here 
If you want to review Much or many go to the video
Some or any click here and about Something, anything and others click here 

Now, watch a video about quantifiers here and Practice here

Present perfect VS Past Simple

If you want to watch a Present perfect video click here here

If you want to review the Grammar click here & here

Now you can watch a Video here

It is time to Practice here & here

Some Modal Verbs 
If you want  a lesson about some Modal verbs click here & here
Watch a Video here & here
Practice here & here

Gerund and Infinitives
 If you want to review here are some lessons here & here
Watch a Video about this topic here & here

First Conditional

You can click here if you want to read about this topic, or you can watch a video 
It is time to practice here &here 

Second conditional

A lesson about Second conditional here and a video 
You can watch another video here
Practice here

Will or going to?

Click here for a lesson and here for a video
and to practice here

Don't forget to study about Relative Clauses